Home Boarding School Placement Service Guardianships
UK Bespoke Guardianship Services
Under British law, overseas pupils who are under 18 years of age attending independent boarding schools must have a legal guardian. British boarding schools require all underage overseas pupils to have an adult guardian aged 25 or over in the UK. This is also a current requirement of the UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) for student visas.
When young foreign pupils, full of dreams, come to the other side of the world to pursue knowledge, how to resolve the problem of living in a foreign country has always been the most daunting task for them. Quite often the studies of many international pupils have been affected by the trivialities of daily lives. Challenges such as Language barriers, lack of independent living skills, a completely different environment, unfamiliarity with local laws and regulations, customs and cultures all contribute to a negative impact on their lives of studying abroad.
BCIC has accumulated many years of guardianship experiences, providing overseas pupils with meticulous care and services, so that parents may have peace of mind when their children are studying abroad. Our range of guardianship services allow children to feel the warmth of a family abroad and to enable parents to feel that they are always connected with their children. And that's what we do – to provide your children with a safe, warm, and trustworthy guardianship.
Our guardianship services cover a wide range of areas, including:
  • Pre-departure
  • Medical
  • Legal advice
    and assistance
  • Holiday
  • School visit
  • Academic
  • Consultation in
    own language
  • Supervised care
  • Personal financial
  • Preparation toreturn
    home post-study
Guardianship service packages (Platinum, Gold, Silver)
Guardianship Services
* Please refer to Excel document: Guardianship Services
ID: BCIC2016

Overseas Study Plan

This section represents the personal preference and please fill out according to personal information. (* represents mandatory)
*Preferred country
*Degree to be pursued
Overseas study starting time

Professional assessment section

This is the optional section. Please fill in as much information as possible for more accurate assessment.
Current school/university
Year group
School/university type
Exam grade

Contact information

Please fill in this section so that we can get in contact with you regarding the assessment result. Your personal information will not be disclosed to the third party. (* represents mandatory)
*Name *Mobile number *Location
Gender {{item}} Email address
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